鄧力維 溫楷彬 許潔 何昕澤

m.A.n Diffuser













About M.A.N

M. A. N – a startup diffuser brand
In these recent years, our sense of smell is often ignored by the public. The sense of smell in humans is more powerful than we think. A good sense of smell not only reduces stress and anxiety but also improves the working efficiency, eventually elevated our moods. Additionally, we felt that smells trigger the strongest memories especially emotional ones out of the other five senses. Scents are the only sensations that travel such a direct path to the emotional and memory centers of the brain. Imagine a person walking down the street, smelling a scent that they first encountered decades ago and having an emotional response. For example the delicious scent of baking bread wafting out from the open doors of a nearby bakery can act like a time portal, instantly sweeping you from a busy street in Xinyi to a tiny cafe in Tianmu that you visited years ago. Scents are really special because they can bring back memories that might otherwise never be recalled. Just like our brand concept, scent could be a way for people to recall memories. In the process of recalling those memories, it’s like going through a time machine. Travel us back to the time that we missed. Therefore, our product idea is to present elements of Taiwanese culture by using different scents of diffusers. Hoping that a small bottle of diffuser could make Taiwanese culture overseas and show everyone its beauty, or a product that brings you home.

Our brand concept is to make people experience their lives.


M.A.N 09

M.A.N 09 最主要是以台北上午的味道下去做調味。我們採用的是綠茶、茉莉花、牡丹這三種味道下去混合調製而成的。清新的花香調,有種春天的感覺,可以為美好的早晨增添一些活力。

M.a.N 16

M.A.N 16 最主要是以台北下午的味道的想像下去作調味。我們採用的是茉莉花、青檸、綠茶這三種味道下去混合調製而成的。茶味中帶有清淡的花香,讓人有無負擔的感受,適合在下午時代給人一種放鬆的感受

M.A.N 21

M.A.N 21 最主要是以台北晚上的味道想像下去作調味。我們採用的是白麝香、英國梨、牡丹、綠茶。此款擴香能給予濃郁、豔麗的味道,符合都市台北夜生活的感覺。

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